About Us

We are a Private Equity Fund Manager that invests in small and medium sized companies, mainly family-owned, that require:

  1. Help with family succession
  2. Professionalisation of management.
  3. Shareholding changes.
  4. Designing and promoting growth strategies.
    • We would like to be a reference in the investment world in Spain from Andalusia, and for this, transparency, ethics, and professionalism will prevail.
    • The basis of our success is the ability to obtain high returns by assuming moderate risk based on our experience and knowledge, and the trust of our investors.
    • We have extensive experience in reducing risk by identifying good opportunities and qualified management teams.
    • We look for companies that reflect principles of Corporate Social Responsibility and good governance.

    ❯ Goals

    • We would like to be a reference in the investment world in Spain from Andalusia, and for this, transparency, ethics, and professionalism will prevail.
    • The basis of our success is the ability to obtain high returns by assuming moderate risk based on our experience and knowledge, and the trust of our investors.
    • We have extensive experience in reducing risk by identifying good opportunities and qualified management teams.
    • We look for companies that reflect principles of Corporate Social Responsibility and good governance.


    Alberto Arranz, Managing Partner of Alentia Corporate and Director of GEDSUR CAPITAL S.A. S.G.E.C.R. (2004-09), starts looking for partners to return to Private Equity, finding Innove Business Consulting.
    1st headquarters: Madrid (feb-19). José Abascal, 44.
    Delicias Capital is founded in February 2019 by professionals with experience in Private Equity, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Finance, Project Finance in the energy sector and Financial Audit.
    Incorporation to the team of Óscar Martínez-Cubells Leyún (SES Iberia and AC Desarrollo).
    Transformation into S.A. (equivalent of PLC in Spain) and capital increase amounting to EUR 350.000.
    June 2, 2020, we asked the CNMV to become an Investment Management Company Entities Closed type (S.G.E.I.C.), who authorised it on December 18, 2020.
    2nd headquarters: Seville (apr-19). Av. Diego Martínez Barrio, 4.
    Delicias Capital, SGEIC, S.A. is listed on the CNMV on Octobre 22, 2021 with registration number 180.
    Inscription of the 1st fund, DELICIAS SPINNAKER SELECT FCRE on January 22, 2022 with registration number 47.
    Registration of the 2nd fund, DELICIAS SBE ENERGY RENOVABLES FCRE on October 21, 2022 with Registration number 80.
    Endowment of resources to the manager with a significant capital increase. up to 750,000 euros. in December 2022
    Alberto Arranz, Managing Partner of Alentia Corporate and Director of GEDSUR CAPITAL S.A. S.G.E.C.R. (2004-09), starts looking for partners to return to Private Equity, finding Innove Business Consulting.
    1st headquarters: Madrid (feb-19). José Abascal, 44.
    Delicias Capital is founded in February 2019 by professionals with experience in Private Equity, Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Finance, Project Finance in the energy sector and Financial Audit.
    Incorporation to the team of Óscar Martínez-Cubells Leyún (SES Iberia and AC Desarrollo).
    Transformation into S.A. (equivalent of PLC in Spain) and capital increase amounting to EUR 350.000.
    June 2, 2020, we asked the CNMV to become an Investment Management Company Entities Closed type (S.G.E.I.C.) who authorised it on December 18, 2020.
    2nd headquarters: Seville (apr-19). Av. Diego Martínez Barrio, 4.
    Delicias Capital, SGEIC, S.A. is listed on the CNMV on Octobre 22, 2021 with registration number 180.
    Inscription of the 1st fund, DELICIAS SPINNAKER SELECT FCRE on January 22, 2022 with registration number 47.
    Increase in Share Capital on December 9, 2022 up to 682,612 euros.
    Registration of the 2nd fund, DELICIAS SBE ENERGY RENOVABLES FCRE on October 21, 2022 with Registration number 80.